First Grade Homework

Homework is important and will be recorded on your child’s report card. Our class will not have homework every night; it will be as you choose. There will be a list of ideas given bi-monthly. You can choose the activities your child will complete based on their skill level. In addition, your child will make a goal for how much/little homework they would like to do each night. Both of these documents will be in your child’s Leadership Notebook. Your child’s Weekly Goal Homework will be turned in on Fridays. The bi-monthly ideas sheet will remain in the Leadership Notebook until the time has expired. Below is a link to the Star Homework page, in case you need extras.


Homework Links

Listed below are websites your child can visit for extra practice. They can also be used to reinforce skills we are learning in class. If you need your child's Reading Eggs Log-in, please use the "Contact" tab to send me an email. If your child is spending time on any of the websites listed, please mark that as time spend on homework on the Star Homework Sheet. Happy Learning!

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